Título Autor Cidade Editora Ano
Canadian contribuitions to African Studies Pamela R. Willoughby São Paulo Canadian Association of African Studies 1992
Bibliografia sobre a Nigéria Carlos Serrano São Paulo FFLCH - USP 1976
Japan and Africa Joffre P. F. Dias Genéve 1994
Angola Bibliografia Carlos Serrano São Paulo FFLCH - USP - Centro de Estudos Africanos 1974
Guinea Ecuatorial Max Liniger - Goumaz Genéve Les editions du Temps 1994
Nigeria Sharon Burdge Lockwood Washington Library of Congress 1966
Bibliography of Canadian Master´s Theses and Docoral Dissertations on Africa 1905 - 1993 José C. Curto - Raymond R. Gervais Québec Canadian Association o African Studies 1994
100 Anos e mais de Bibliografia sobre o Negro no Brasil Kabengele Munanga São Paulo CEA-FLLCH/ CNPq - Fapesp 2003
Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland Mildred Grimes Balima Washington Library of Congress 1971
Bibliography of Libya Hans Schluter Boston Library of Congress 1975
French-Speaking Central Africa Julian W. Witherell Washington Library of Congress 1973
African Newspapers Rozanne M. Barry Washington Library of Congress 1965
Current themes in African Historical Studies Daniel G Matthews Connecticut - Estados Unidos Negro Universities Press 1970
A imprensa Periódica em Moçambique Raul Neves Dias Moçambique Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique 1956
Catalogue des Péridiques D`Afrique. Noire Francophone Marguerite Thomassery Dakar - Senegal Université de Dakar 1965