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Lars Rudebeck |
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Geographical Studies in Highland Kenya 1986 |
Carl Christianson; Peter Kinlund; Meta Larsson; Lars Wahlin; Peter Ostman |
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New Notes on Kaoko |
Giorgio Miescher; Dag Henrichsen |
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A Guerra e as Igrejas: Angola 1961-1991 |
Benedict Schubert |
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Pays lusophones d'Afrique Sources d'information pour le développment: Angola, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe |
Michel Cahen |
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Danielle Ben Yahmed |
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Misceláneas Guineo Ecuatorianas I: Del Estado colonial al Estado dictatorial |
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Personal Memories: Namibian texts in process |
Dorian Haarhoff |
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Basler Afrika Bibliographien |
Os dois reis do Danxome: varíola e monarquia na África Ocidental 1650-1800 |
Claude Lépine |
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Muntu: Las Culturas de La Negritud |
J.Jahn |
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O tráfico de escravos negros Sécs. XV-XIX |
Lisboa |
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O poder africano - elementos de uma Sociologia Política da África Negra e de sua diáspora nas Américas |
Jean Ziégler |
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The Rediscovery of black Nationalism |
Theodore Draper |
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The Swiss At the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1971 |
Adolphe Linder |
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Basler Afrika Bibliographien |
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